Latest news
- 09/26/2016: Ranked among the top 10 teams in the ImageNet competition in two categories: "Scene recognition track" and "Object detection from video track",
invited to present a poster at 2nd ILSVRC+COCO Workshop(with Hojjat Seyed Mousavi, Da Zhang, Hamid Maei,
Shiva Kasiviswanathan).
- 06/12/2016: New paper Adaptive Condorcet-based Stopping Rules can be Efficient. (with Omer Reingold.) ECAI 2016.
- 04/15/2016: New paper A SAT-Based Counterexample Guided Method for Unbounded
Synthesis. (with Alexander Legg, and Leonid Ryzhyk.) CAV 2016.
- 04/18/2015: New paper Maximum Satisfiability Using Cores and Correction Sets. (with Nikolaj Bjorner.) IJCAI 2015.
- 05/02/2015: I was invited to give a tutorial on MaxSAT at SAT/SMT summer school SAT/SMT Summer School.
- 04/18/2015: New paper Maximum Satisfiability Using Cores and Correction Sets. (with Nikolaj Bjorner.) IJCAI 2015.
- 04/18/2015: New paper Equilibria Under the Probabilistic Serial Rule (with Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Simon Mackenzie, Nicholas Mattei, and Toby Walsh.) IJCAI 2015.
- 01/28/2015: New paper Manipulating the Probabilistic Serial Rule (with Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Simon Mackenzie, Nicholas Mattei, and Toby Walsh.) AAMAS 2015.
- 01/28/2015: New extended abstract Controlling Elections by Replacing Candidates or Votes (with Andrea Loreggia, Francesca Rossi, K. Brent Venable, and Toby Walsh. ) AAMAS 2015.
- 17/11/2014: I visited Microsoft Research, Redmond to work with Nikolaj Bjorner.
- 08/11/2014: New paper SAT-based Strategy Extraction in Reachability Games (with Niklas Een, Alex Legg, Leonid Ryzhyk) AAAI 2015.
- 04/09/2014: Elected
as a member of the Association
for Constraint Programming Executive Commitee.
- Great news!
EvaSolver, my
new MaxSAT solver, is the best overall MaxSAT
solver in the industrial category in the Ninth Evaluation of
Max-SAT Solvers (Max-SAT-2014) among non-portfolio solvers. Final
rankings among all, portfolio and non-portfolio, solvers are
The first
place in
the weighted partial MaxSAT(industrial) category.
The third
place in
the partial MaxSAT(industrial) category.
The third
place in
the MaxSAT(industrial) category.
- 18/05/2014: New extended abstract
Interpolants in Two-Player Games (with Niklas Een, Alexander
Legg, and Leonid Ryzhyk ) Interpolation: From
Proofs to Applications(iPRA 2014).
- 9/05/2014: New paper The
Computational Impact of Partial Votes on Strategic Voting (with
Toby Walsh. ) ECAI 2014.
- 9/05/2014: New paper How Hard Is It
to Control an Election by Breaking Ties? (with Nicholas Mattei
and Toby Walsh. ) ECAI 2014.
- 18/03/2014: New paper Solving Games
without Controllable Predecessor (with Alexander Legg, Fahiem
Bacchus, Leonid Ryzhyk and Adam Walker) CAV 2014.
The paper proposes a
radically new approach for solving reachability games based on the
counter-example guided paradigm.
- 11/03/2014: New paper Maximum
Satisfiability Using Core-Guided MaxSAT Resolution. (with Fahiem
Bacchus) AAAI
The paper proposes a
new MaxSAT solver that combines the MaxSAT resolution with core-guided
approach. The solver
performs well on structured industrial instances.
- 11/03/2014: New paper A
Game-theoretic Analysis of Catalog Optimization (with Joel Oren
and Craig Boutilier.) AAAI 2014.
- 09/03/2014: New paper Cores in Core
Based MaxSat Algorithms: an Analysis. (with Fahiem Bacchus) SAT 2014.
- 20/12/2013: The paper Possible and
Necessary Winner Problem in Social Polls (with Serge Gaspers,
Victor Naroditskiy, and Toby Walsh) has been accepted to AAMAS 2014.
- 23/07/2013: The video Algorithmic
Decision Theory @ NICTA has received the most educational video award (with
Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Nicholas Mattei, and Toby Walsh). IJCAI 2013.
- 16/07/2013: Great
news! Named as one of AI's 10 to Watch. Every two
years, IEEE Intelligent Systems acknowledges and celebrates 10 young
stars in the field of AI as "AI's 10 to Watch." Media
- 10/06/2013: New paper Breaking
Symmetry with Different Orderings (with Toby Walsh) accepted to CP 2013.
- 03/04/2013: New paper A Social
Welfare Optimal Sequential Allocation Procedure (with Thomas
Kalinowski, and Toby Walsh) accepted to IJCAI
- 03/04/2013: New paper On the
complexity of global scheduling constraints under structural
restrictions (with Geoffrey Chu, Serge Gaspers, Andreas Schutt,
Toby Walsh) accepted to IJCAI 2013.
- 03/04/2013: New paper Three
generalizations of the Focus constraint (with Thierry PETIT,
Mohamed Siala, and Toby Walsh) accepted to IJCAI 2013.
- 03/04/2013: New paper Constraint
Acquisition via Partial Queries (with Christian Bessiere, Remi
Coletta, Emmanuel Hebrard, George Katsirelos, Nadjib Lazaar, Claude-Guy
Quimper, and Toby Walsh) accepted to IJCAI
- 26/03/2013: New paper Strategic
Behavior when Allocating Indivisible Goods Sequentially (with
Thomas Kalinowski, Toby Walsh, and Lirong Xia) accepted to AAAI 2013.
- 26/03/2013: New paper Ties Matter:
Complexity of Manipulation when Tie-breaking with a Random Vote
(with Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Nicholas Mattei, and Toby Walsh)
accepted to AAAI
- 20/12/2012: New paper Manipulating
Two Stage Voting Rules (with Toby Walsh) accepted to AAMAS 2013.
- 20/12/2012: New paper Possible and
Necessary Winner Problem in Social Polls (Extended Abstract) (with
Serge Gaspers, Victor Naroditskiy, and Toby Walsh) accepted to AAMAS 2013.
- 20/12/2012: New paper Coalitional
Manipulation for Schulze's Rule (with Serge Gaspers, Thomas
Kalinowski, and Toby Walsh) accepted to AAMAS 2013.
- 18/12/2012: New paper An Adaptive
Model Restarts Heuristic (with Toby Walsh) accepted to CPAIOR 2013.
- 4/12/2012: Outstanding programme
committee member award at AI 2012.